Friday, September 27, 2019

Easy Chocolate Milk

Today is National Chocolate Milk Day but you can enjoy this anytime.

1/ 8 c. cocoa powder
2 - 4 c. lowfat milk
1 T. sugar

In a jar combine cocoa powder and sugar.

Put lid on jar tightly and shake to mix well.

In the bottom of a clean glass place a  1 - 2 tsp. cocoa mixture.

Pour milk over cocoa mixture, stir with a clean spoon to mix.

Makes 4 servings.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Easy Brussel Sprouts

This is great for dinner or anytime.

1 lb. package brussel sprouts
non stick cooking spray
1/8 c. each: cold water, melted butter
1/8 tsp. each: black pepper, salt

Preheat oven to 350' F.

Spray baking pan with non stick cooking spray.

Rinse brussel sprouts under cold running water, pat brussel sprouts dry with a clean paper towel.

Spread sprouts on baking pan, add cold water to pan. 

Place pan in oven and bake for 30 - 40 min. 

While brussel sprouts are cooking, put butter in a microwave safe bowl. 

Microwave butter for 10 seconds or melted.

Halfway through cooking, take baking pan out of the oven carefully with oven mitts.

Carefully take bowl with butter out of the microwave,  pour butter over the brussel sprouts. Toss brussel sprouts with a clean fork to coat.

Put baking pan back in the oven and cook for 15 - 20 minutes more.

Serves 4.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Out The Door Fast Eggs

This is great for those crazy days when you want a good breakfast but want it quick.



2 eggs
1/2  - 3/4 c water
1/8 tsp. each: pepper, salt, lemon juice (optional)

Put water in a clean microwave safe bowl.

Crack eggs in bowl. Add salt, lemon juice.

Prick eggs with a clean fork.

Place the bowl in microwave, cover bowl with a small plate.

Cook eggs 1 1/2  - 2  1/2 min. 

Remove plate and bowl from microwave very carefully.

Remove eggs with slotted spoon and transfer onto a clean plate.

Sprinkle pepper over eggs if desired. 

Serves 1.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Recipe To Help Hurricane Dorian Survivors

Prayers, peace for all affected by Hurricane Dorian.

On the left side of the website are links under Pay It Forward.

These are some organizations that are helping with relief. 

Whatever you can do to help will be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you for caring.