Friday, February 21, 2025

Recipe To Help Flood Survivors

 Prayers, thoughts for Kentucky and Detroit

Once again floods are devastating Kentucky and residents  in Detroit.

The flood forced thousands to evacuate and has claimed 43 innocent lives in Kentucky.

The floods in Detroit were caused by a water main break. 

The water main broke in Southwest Detroit, causing basements to flood. 

There are links on this site to some organizations that are helping with relief efforts.

Whatever you can do to help, donate will be greatly appreciated.


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Date Night Pork Chops

This is perfect for date night or anytime.

I used lean bone in pork chops, but you can use boneless pork chops as well.

1 lb. pork chops 

2  - 3 T. oil (olive or canola)

1 - 2 T. balsamic vinegar 

1/4 tsp. each black pepper salt

pinch red pepper flakes

1 T. Worcestershire sauce 

 Heat skillet pan to medium high heat.

 Reduce heat to medium and add oil.

 Add pork chops. 

Sprinkle salt, pepper, red pepper flakes on 1 side of pork chops.

Drizzle Worcestershire sauce, vinegar over pork chops

Cook chops on one side for 10 min or until done.  

Flip chops over, repeat cooking process for 10 min or until done. 

Let pork chops rest for a few minutes before serving.

Serves  4

Friday, February 7, 2025

Roasted Potato Soup

Lately I’ve been into roasting vegetables in the oven and creating soups. 

This is perfect for winter or anytime 

3 potatoes, cut into pieces

1 each: shallots, onion, peeled, rinsed, cut into pieces

1 leek, rinsed and chopped

1 - 2 cloves garlic peeled, rinsed, crushed

1/3 tsp. each: salt, pepper

non stick cooking spray

2 tsp. flour

2 - 3 T. each: unsalted butter, olive oil

4 - 6 c. low sodium chicken broth

1/2 c. sour cream

Preheat oven to 375’ F. 

Spray cooking sheet with non stick spray.

Rinse, cut ends from, cut potatoes into pieces. 

Peel, rinse, cut onions, shallots into pieces.

Rinse, cut ends from, chop leeks.

Peel and crush garlic.

Arrange vegetables on cooking sheet, sprinkle some of the salt, pepper over vegetables.

Place vegetables in oven to cook for 20 - 30 min. 

Preheat soup pot to medium high heat, lower heat to medium.

Add butter, add flour and stir to make a roux.

Add oil to pan.

Remove vegetables from oven carefully.

Add vegetables, rest of salt, pepper, cook for 10 - 15, stirring occasionally. 

Add broth to vegetables, cover pot with lid.

Reduce heat and cook for 15 - 20 min. more.

Turn off stove, remove soup from heat.

Add sour cream to soup and use an immersion blender to blend until soup is blended.

Serves 4 - 6.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Red Pepper Bisque

This is perfect for winter or anytime 

2 Roma tomatoes, cut into pieces

2 - 3 red bell pepper, seeded, cut into pieces

1 onion, peeled cut into pieces

2 cloves garlic peeled and crushed

1/3 tsp. each: salt, pepper

non stick cooking spray

2 tsp. flour

2 - 3 T. each: unsalted butter, olive oil

4 - 6 c. low sodium chicken broth

1/2 c. sour cream

Preheat oven to 350’ F.

Spray cooking sheet with non stick spray.

Rinse, seed, cut pepper into pieces. 

Peel, rinse, cut onions into pieces.

Rinse, cut tomatoes into pieces. 

Peel and crush garlic.

Arrange vegetables on cooking sheet, sprinkle salt, pepper over vegetables.

Place vegetables in oven to cook for 20 min.

Preheat soup pot to medium high heat, lower heat to medium.

Add butter, add flour and stir to make a roux.

Add oil to pan. 

Remove vegetables from oven carefully.

Add vegetables, cook for 10 - 20 min., stirring occasionally. 

Add broth to vegetables, cover pot with lid and cook for 10 - 15 min. more.

Turn off stove, remove pot from heat.

Add sour cream to soup.

Use an immersion blender to blend until soup is blended.

Serves 4 - 6.